Artist Living

A Look at Day 1 of Training Our Teachers!

Me Ra Koh

The next morning, we rolled up our sleeves and started back to back, twelve hour days, of going through the 125 pg. training manual.

For Day 1, Brian and I started by breaking down all the moving parts to our business; our business’s goal, heart goal, strategies to obtain these goals and tactics used to give the strategies success.  It was so fun to put it all on paper for them–I even made a PIE CHART for that manual!  🙂  I loved having the opportunity to share the CEO side of me, the business woman that works with our partners on how to empower moms and continue to grow the confidence in those we have reached.

We also taught the ladies our methodology for teaching CONFIDENCE Workshops, a methodology we call “transparent teaching” that we have refined over the years.  And then we had them put it all to practice.  Oh boy, this part was intense.  They were required to bring three mini lessons on topics that they will teach in their workshops with enough copies for everyone in the group.  But not only did they have to prepare these lessons, they also had to get up in front of the group and be video taped AND timed as they taught the mini lesson to the group while WE CRITIQUED them.

Me Ra Koh Teachers Training Weekend

Have you ever video taped yourself teaching a lesson to a classroom who is critiquing you?  Not comfortable AT ALL, but SO VALUABLE in what you learn from the experience.  I have to say that after all fourteen teachers had gone through this “fire”, we were more excited and confident than ever in what was ahead!

Me Ra Koh Teacher Training Weekend

The official mission of our workshop series was now ready to reveal;

Empower and Ignite Moms to Grow in Confidence Through the Vehicle of a Camera by Transparent Teaching and Mentoring so They May not only Give Voice to Their Creative Spirit but also Establish Space for Their Children to have Creative Voice while Transforming the Culture of Motherhood One Mom–One Child at a Time.

The end of that mission goes specifically beyond moms because once moms start filling up their creative well, guess who it overflows to?  The kiddos!!  Yeah!!  And how powerful, how amazing, to not only have vision to empower moms, but also know this will directly impact the joy in their home as it becomes a creative home where risks can be taken, dreams pursued and messiness is okay–even invited! Ooooh!!!  I with I could say how excited every cell in my body is as I type this!!!

Day One was over, but these women still had yet to see “what” they would be teaching on our behalf.  Brian and I had no intention of spending a weekend of training with them to only pat them on the backs and say good luck.  NO way!  We didn’t want to just inspire them, we wanted to equip them with the tools to make the workshop series a success.  Financial training was a part of Day 2 by us showing them how we create financial plans with set goals and all the checks and balances into running a business that becomes sustainable. This is part of the business coaching that we have already started with them.

Next…little did they know that over the summer, Brian and I had spent days on end, hours and hours of talking and processing each part of our CONFIDENCE Workshop–taking it completely apart and deciding on what is the best of the best–what could be added and how to make it the most powerful experience for attendees–creating TWO NEW Confidence Workshops–different in levels and content with solid curriculum that we’d tested, plus beautiful, new instruments of learning to give students the most enhanced experience possible!

Tomorrow I’ll show you those beautiful new instruments for attendees!!!




  1. Rhonda says:

    Oh how I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading about how this dream has been fleshed out, and how God has guided you guys in answer to so many prayers.

  2. CowCow says:

    Like this post, too.