Allowing Ourselves to be Uncomfortable to Enrich Our Photos

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“Doubt is a signal of the creative process. It is a signal that you are…

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It is a honor to introduce you to an inspiring woman, Lynda Kennedy. She applied for SOAR! last year, and she didn’t win.  Nine months later, she sent me this video.  There are no words for this video.  May it lift your spirits and inspire you to keep moving forward! Thank you Lynda for sharing […]

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What would you see if you took this photo? Would you notice first that the little boy’s face isn’t…

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Pause. Did anyone hear it? Not only do I need to face the very thing I’m afraid of, but I need to aggressively lean into it. Ahhhh! Why is this true for EVERY THING we fear! Why is it not enough just to face

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With Christmas a couple days away, it’s time for me to sign off for the year.  I’ve debated taking a few days off from the blog, or taking all of next week off too.  What should I do?  I take a moment to be still and listen to my heart.  The answer is clear. Ladies, […]

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The Roadmap to Confidence with Your Camera.