
Restart Your Creative Life! New Online Class!

Me Ra Koh

How many of you need to restart your creative life?

Restart Your Creative Life with Me Ra Koh

Every January, for the last five or six years, Brian and I have taught our 2-Day CONFIDENCE Workshop.  When I realized that this was the first January we would not be teaching it (because our AWE-mazing, team of CONFIDENCE Teachers are empowering women all over the country this month), I realized the pruning brings opportunity for new growth.

For years, I have wanted to create a course(s) around How to Live a Creative Life.  This is a personal mission that Brian and I carry throughout every party of our life; how we run our business, how we raise our kids, how we dream, how we create something from nothing, and how we aim for the impossible.  Why not start with a course that equips women to restart your creative life?!  BAM!  That was it!!

Out of all my drafting and brainstorming with Brian came a five week, online course that centers around the video series 5 Days to Confidence!  I launched it to our 700 plus Confidence Grads and within days it was sold out to 36 women!

We have a waiting list with over a dozen women!  If a restart to your creative life is something you need, check out all the details of what this online course offers.  After you read all those juicy details and know you wanted to be added to the waiting list, email me at!  I will do this course again, and I’d LOVE to have you join us!

In the meantime, come back tomorrow for a wonderful creative exercise for the New Year.  This is a creative exercise that I have done for a number of years, and I’m always inspired by how much it fills my creative well!





  1. I really appreciate this wonderful image that you have provided for us.Thanks for sharing this image.awesome post……

  2. […] the last week of my online class, Restart Your Creative Life, with MeRa Koh. I’m going to miss this class. I’ve made some wonderful new friends and […]